
Discuss usability issues, general maintenance, and general support issues for a grsecurity-enabled system.


Postby Technion » Thu Aug 01, 2002 4:12 am

Hi there. I have a problem I only just noticed, and may have been around for a while. At first I figured it was something obvious and stupid until I google'd for my error message and didn't find one single response.

When I run vipw (as root) after quitting and saving I get this:

vipw: can't unlock /etc/passwd: Operation not permitted (your changes are still in /etc/ptmp)

There are no ACLs enabled, and nothing appears in the logs.

I don't know for sure grsecurity caused this, however I just can't imagine what else would be causing permissions issues.
Posts: 15
Joined: Thu Apr 25, 2002 12:23 am

Postby helminthe » Fri Aug 02, 2002 3:37 am

... There are no ACLs enabled, and nothing appears in the logs ...
I believe you have already answered your question ;)
Posts: 6
Joined: Sun Jun 30, 2002 8:20 am

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